Sometimes I find myself wondering why I keep fighting so hard.......why I keep fighting so hard to just be hated by so many.........and then I find myself just wanting to give up.........and then I finally find myself snap back into reality! And I say to myself, you are doing what the Lord has told you to do! Then in that moment I go okay Lord then you have to give me undeniable strength to keep going! And you know what He is oh so faithful in doing so! I can not even begin to tell you how many times I came to a place where I was just done, and then I hear the Lord saying are you going to let me help you now? I end up in this place where I try to do everything on my own, and honestly where is that going to get any of us in life! The Lord is standing right next to us just waiting for us to lean on Him to lean on His strength alone. There are absolutely no trials in this life that we have to face on our own!
So needless to say life has been really challenging lately! I am coming into a season that involves a whole lot of sacrifice, sacrifices I never would have imagined I would have to make. Some of the hardest decisions in my life, and a time of really having to lean on the Lord. Resting in Him knowing this is what He is calling me to do. If only that was as easy as it sounds! I find myself in many panic moments, going what in the world am I doing I am crazy, and then the Lord says very quietly no you are just following the path I have set before you. Then I take a deep breathe and go okay I can do this, Lord help me!
So all this to say the Lord is so faithful!! And absolutely amazing, He is in absolute control!